Monday, June 29, 2009

Play Day

Today Leah's cousin Abagail got to come play with her and she was so excited! Anyways, we planned on taking them swimming but it started to rain, but they went swimming anyways! lol, but here are a few pics I had taken, enjoy! I don't know what Leah was doing here, she's such a goof!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Father's Day

Poor Joel had to work on Father's Day but I made sure that he had a good meal when he got home! (:

Friday, June 26, 2009

Leah pics

I Just Love her sooo Much!
Here are some recent pics of Leah at our new home!
I took this one below the other day, she just got outta the shower and she knew it was time for bed so she started running away from me! lol Leah swimming at the pool

Leah was muchin on some carrots and ranch! yum yum

New Place!

Here is a sneak peak at our new apartment.. We don't have all of our furniture yet , but when we do I will take more pics!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Waiting on the internet

So I took a couple of pics of the apartment to put on here, BUT we don't have internet in our apartment or adobe shop quite yet! I have to come all the way down here to the computer room which is in the main office...quite a walk! And Leah really doesn't make it easy! She is sitting here right now pull my hair as I am typing! Anyways, I can't put these pictures in any of these computers because there's is nowhere to put my card! I can in our computer though, but we have to wait til we get our internet, we just have so much going on right now! it's crazy! But Hopefully we will get internet soon! I can't wait for everyone to see our new apartment!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

My lil Angel!

My Parents have been watching Leah these past few days and My mom of course decided to take some pictures of my lil Leah! Doesn't she look Beautiful! I miss her! I was suppose to be getting her back today but My mom had another appointment at 6 so it would be late by the time they would get here, so I told my dad they could bring her back tomorrow after church because I know that my mom really loves taking her to church anyways! So I guess I'll have to wait til tomorrow to see her!

So Excited!

Hey everyone, So I met with this guy, Gregory Martin, and he is a great photographer here in Dallas, and an awesome artist! Those are his paintings beside him in this picture here! Anyways, He is opening up a new studio and he does these amazing glamour shots and he seen my blog and said he thought I was doing very good, he said that I could come shadow him anytime and watch him at work. I am so excited! I have his card and all his information, but the really cool part is that he was talking to Joel and told him that he would like to take some shots of me and possibly put me in Pure magazing, I was so excited to hear this, WHo doesn't wanna be in a magazine!! lol, especially one in dallas! Anyways, I would really like to watch him paint too! His girlfriend told me that when he's painting, he paints with both hands, he is very talented! To see some of his stuff go to You can click on the magazine, turn the pages and see some of his work, anyways, I just wanted to share that with everyone!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What a week!

This week has been something else! But I got my baby back and I am very happy about that! She was happy to see her mommy when I picked her and her daddy up, but she was really excited to see uncle Kyle in the car, she kept saying Kyle Kyle! and then she asked, where's Nannah? Where's Pap-Paw, where's Ryan? lol, but she got to see my mom yesterday and of course my mom took her home for a couple of days, Leah was very excited about that, she kept saying, bye bye mamma! haha, she just wanted to leave.. Again! Anyways, We got this new apartment that is so nice and I am sooo excited about it! I have been trying to get all kinds of stuff up there...yes, up there, three flights of stairs! lol, I had my brother Kyle up here with me the last two days having him helping me carry some of Leah's furniture up, Luckily my neighbour came down and offered to help us, so I have Leah's room just about done, My mom and my cousin Cheyenne came down yesterday and helped me out, we went shopping and my mom bought us some stuff, Thanks Mom!! lol, when we moved we had to sell nearly everything we had so we're starting over with furniture and dishes, etc, but we bought some couches we are just waiting to get them in our apartment, I don't have pictures quite yet, but I will take some as soon as I can, I kinda want furniture in there first (: I am most excited about the kitchen though, I have lots of room to make my cakes! But anyways, I will get those pics up as soon as I can! Hope everyone has a great week!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Leah's Trip

So this weekend Joel had to go to Pittsburgh to do military work and he took Leah with him so his parents could visit with her. I dropped them off at the airport yesterday and it was hard for me to say goodbye! Leah was giving me hugs and kissing me saying bye bye mamma and I started to cry, I hated leaving without her, it just didnt feel right! But anyways, I talked to her grandmommy and granddaddy today and they said that she's been having fun and she was so excited to see them! And they sent us a few pics which are below.
I will be picking Joel and Leah up at the airport tomorrow night and I can't wait to see my baby again! I already miss her so much! It is so weird not having her around, I was telling my mom today that it's like I can't remember what life was like before I had her, it seems like she's always been in my life, but really she's only been in it for two years! lol, anyways, I'll be so happy to have her back! I miss my Bookybear!