Sunday Joel was off work so we decided to take Leah out, so we took her to the park to feed the ducks and then took her to Chuck E. Cheese! She had so much fun that she wore herself out, by the time we got home she was already asleep! lol, I love this little girl so much!

lol, she was telling the ducks to come back

Daddy..Hold my hand!

My pretty Girl!

My hubby
Awwww, how cute! I bet ya'll had fun,,, we love taking Abby to Chuck E Cheese, except sometimes she gets one of her lil panic attacks :( And omg I love that lil outfit and shoes. Abby has been asking for that outfit from Dillards for weeks lol. Can you believe I'm going to meet with a school today about Abby going to pre-K? :( Don't let Leah grow up, it's too sad for us Mommys, MiMis, and Nannahs lol